FREE Professional
Native Garden Designs
Wild Ones is proud to provide beautiful, professional, ecoregion specific, free, native garden designs!
Native plant gardens in our own backyards are our best hope for saving the environment!
Wild Ones Honorary Director Doug Tallamy, author of “Nature's Best Hope,” shares that one of the big mistakes in our approach to conservation is the idea that “nature” is something set aside in preserves and parks, something separate from our daily lives that we go to visit. He stresses “we can no longer leave conservation to the conservationists.”
The designs were created with the premise that using native plants in landscaping can be beautiful and achievable for gardeners of all skillsets in terms of scope and budget as well as promote wildlife.
The designs also allow gardeners to take an incremental approach in developing their plan, adding new areas and native species as time and funds permit.
We hope you share these designs with anyone interested in gardening with native plants!
Thank you for helping heal the earth, one yard at a time!

The Wild Ones site provides practical, educationally-sound information on native landscaping developed specifically for first-time native plant gardeners looking for help getting started. The site also features a growing number of free, downloadable native garden designs created by professional landscape designers for multiple ecoregions in the United States, taking into account various light, soil and moisture conditions. A plant list accompanies each design and provides a quick preview of the diversity and beauty of the native plants incorporated in each design. Both the designs and the plant lists are printer-friendly.
We hope these resources inspire, encourage and motivate you in your native garden journey!