Wild Ones Kettle Moraine Chapter
Plant/Seed Grant Program
Wild Ones Mission: Promote environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration, and establishment of native plant communities.
Grant Program Purpose: Fund projects in the geographic area of the Kettle Moraine chapter to increase native plant communities and to promote community awareness. This program is intended for projects primarily in public spaces.
Steps to Applying for a Grant
Plan your project.
Application requirements can be found below.
For questions or help with completing the application, please contact KMWildOnes@gmail.com.
If desired, informally present your idea to a board member or subcommittee member.
Complete your application between September 15 - November 15 and email it to KMWildOnes@gmail.com.
A limited number of grants of $100-300 will be awarded; larger grants may be funded if project is considered truly exceptional in the opinion of the Board.
Applications must be submitted between September 15 - November 15, 2024.
Applications will be reviewed by January 15, 2025, for grants awarded in 2025. Chosen grantees will be notified at the contact information provided in the application.
Criteria Considered for Awarding Grants
Use of locally native plants/seeds to create and/or protect diverse, resilient plant communities and habitats.
Educational component and/or increase community awareness.
Plan to maintain the project and plantings for the long term.
Effort and/or funds contributed to the project outside of this grant.
Grant Requirements
Use locally native seeds and/or plants from a Wild Ones Kettle Moraine Board approved source. Grantees may participate in the annual chapter plant order even if they are not members.
Complete the initial Installation of plantings, etc, as described in the grant application, within the upcoming growing season.
Sustain the project for 3 years or more.
Provide a report, with photos, at the end of the first growing season. The report must also include receipts for plants/seed purchased with grant funds, and address all of the items stated on the application. Reports are due no later than December 31st of the project year.
Post a small but visible sign as provided by the chapter.
Cooperate with site visits, as requested, by a representative from the chapter, typically after installation, and 1-2 years later.
Applicants must own the property on which the project is taking place, or be authorized to carry out the project. Signature of the property owner will be required after grant approval and before any payment is made.
No future grant will be awarded to the applicant/organization if requirements are not followed.
Plant/Seed Grant Application
For your application, provide each of the following items by number:
Date of application
Name of organization/applicant
Applicant’s phone, email, and mailing address
Name of project
Location of project/location owner
Does the project require approvals? By whom and when?
Purpose/expected audience
Size of planting area in square feet
Preparation needed at the site (preparation will not be funded)
Project steps and timeline
Grant $ amount requested for native plants/seeds
Will there be other funding? If so, by whom?
Maintenance plan—initial and future
Attach a photo of the proposed area and a drawing of the plan
Attach a list of desired native plants (If unsure about the plants or plant communities, please contact KMWildOnes@gmail.com)
Applications must be submitted between September 15 - November 15, 2024 to KMWildOnes@gmail.com.