Recommended Websites and Other Sources
Below, we have provided a list of websites and other sources that are full of information to help you learn and explore the world of native plants, natural landscaping and biodiversity.
Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes
Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes, a national organization with over 50 chapters in 14 states, promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities. It is a not-for-profit environmental education and advocacy organization.
E-Guide to Native Plants:
Healthy Lakes & Rivers Initiative
The Healthy Lakes & Rivers initiative of the Wisconsin DNR has made available an e-guide to native plants applicable to shoreline properties. The e-guide, by Patrick Goggin, is full of great pictures and information on 112 Wisconsin native plants that support clean water and wildlife habitat.
Seed Mixes and Plants to Use After Buckthorn Removal
"So, you've killed the buckthorn and garlic mustard: now what?" Excel file versions of seed mixes, live plants and grasses and sedge seeds for planting after buckthorn and garlic mustard has been removed - from SEWISC's (Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium, Inc.) 2023 symposium.
Alternatives to Roundup
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup and several other commercial weed killers. Although glyphosate may be the recommended method to deal with many unwanted non-native plants, especially on larger acreage projects, we recognize that you may wish to consider a less toxic alternative. Check here for more information on glyphosate and alternatives to consider. As always, carefully follow all directions and minimally use any recommended method to control non-natives.
Landscape Help for Members
Members often ask for references of local landscapers and designers that they could contact for services. The following are some recommendations by chapter members:
Drew Ballantyne - Woodland Restorations, LLC
Brush clearing and prescribed burning
Prairie maintenance
John Mariani - LANDSERVE, LLC..."Landscapes for life!”
Landscape architectural services
Native land restoration
Consultation and training
Johnson’s Nursery
Garden design services at
Three garden/landscape designers on staff for design only or design and installation. Ask for only native plants, shrubs, and trees in the design.
Possibility Place Nursery
Native plant nursery including shrubs and trees